As I’m sure you are aware I have been working very hard lately on trying to start a charity to help children who have developmental disabilities access the arts in a more useful and interactive way. If you are interested in finding out more then please have a look at the website
As part of this I am currently looking at the best way we can support children and their families both access the institutions and events where these take place (theatres, festivals, galleries, etc) and how to best enable children to participate in some kind of creative practice.
The idea is to facilitate free of very low cost workshops and groups where children with developmental disabilities can mix with other children and experience artist led, group creative practice in a manner that is geared towards how they think.
I have realised that the best way to meet the needs and to create a charity and organisation that is not just helpful to my family (my son has ASD) but to a plethora of others is to get the opinions of as many special needs parents as possible. So please take the time to complete our two short surveys. There are only 20 questions and some of them are as easy as “gender” so please is should only take five minutes but your responses will prove invaluable!
There are two surveys, please take both of them to give us information on access and participation. Thank You.
Click here to take survey
Click here to take survey