Adult Makes



You will need:

Different fabric remnants, it’s good to have 3 or 4 different colours/patterns.

Scissiors/pinking shears

Card or funky foam (to make a template) or a ready made piece of card bunting


Sewing machine or needles


Bias Tape


First of all make a template. I chose to make 2 different shapes for my bunting, rectangular and triangle. Actually for the triangle I just cut around a piece of shop bought card bunting (much easier)

card template

Fold your chosen piece of fabric in half and then draw around your template to make your required number of flags (this way you only need to draw half as many). Cut them out, I used pinking shears on some of them to add a bit of variety. Do this for all the fabric you plan on using. My bunting was nearly 3 mtrs and used around 24 double sided pieces of bunting.


Iron each piece.

Pin the fabric bunting flags with right sides facing and sew the sides up leaving the top open (so it would look like a pocket). Snip any excess fabric away, make sure you have snipped straight across the point of your triangular flags, this is so that you have a sharp point when you turn the right way. Turn out the right way and use a pointy stick, I used a thick knitting needle. I pinned some with wrong sides together and sewed them on the right side so that they looked more earthy and grungy.

sew round the flags

Iron again.

Before you sew into the bias tape it’s a good idea to sew your flags together. Leave a long thread and then start sewing along the top edge of your flags. One you have sewn across the flag allow your machine to keep stitching for a few stitches, yes even though there’s no fabric there and then sew in your next flag. This just makes it a lot easier when you come to your bias binding.

sewing machine

Take a piece of bias binding/tape (here is a link to give your more info on what bias binding is) and pin both sides together. Leave about 10 cm either side of your flags (to enable you to pin up your bunting). Pin a flag into the tape (sew, get it so, sew, oh never mind, you want your bias tape folded over either side of your flag) and sew along the tape, keep stitching past the first flag for a few stitches and the sew the next flag into place. Do this all along the length, if you run out of bias tape just add some more. You can pin all along but I found it simpler to just pin the first couple.

sew along tape

sew across bunting

Once you have dine this for all the flags you have your bunting finished — yey!!!

bunting and teapots


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