
Black Hole

A Black hole, a void, an empty space Nestled inside my womb where you should have been Shielding my face from the bright screen next to me As a doctor tried to find you A river of red now flowing from what started as a trickle A pain, once mild now stabbing me from the […]

art & poetry poetry


Questions roaming from A to B I have no answers Only the loneliness of a questioning soul I see frameless heads on nameless walls I watch the world existing without me in it I am around people and drowning in a cacophony of sound Then I am alone again and the world is empty  

Art art & poetry poetry

HAIKU: The Artist’s Lament

My mind paints pictures That my words cannot describe My Tongue tied in thought

Art art & poetry poetry


In the middle of the night when everything’s quiet and nobody is there to tell Is when my mind drifts away to a land of forgotten summers and half lit pictures Faded by the sun and its countless rises and fallings.   The clock ticks on the wall Tick. Tock .Tick. Tock, Tick The dog […]