Kids Craft and Fun Messy Play

Messy Play: Shaving Foam Speedway

This post was originally featured on my old blog little doers last year

Today has been pretty much of a blah day. The weather is a bit bleugh, the children are antsy, I’m feeling poorly and generally a bit bleugh. So I thought to myself, how can we try and turn this day around, and then it hit me, a good ol’ session of messy play.

I love messy play, far more than my autistic child and his sister, the cute, slightly evil genius. The benefits of messy play are many and varied. It promotes imaginative play, fine motor skills and most of all it’s fun.


Here’s a quick idea to help you and your children engage in some creative play.


Your Will Need:

what's on a tray


Various toy Cars

Shaving Foam

Optional: Floor Cover

Food Paints


Cover your tray in some shaving foam.


shaving foam on a tray

Give your children some toy cars

driving cars

Let them draw shapes and more in the shaving foam, to make things a bit more interesting and to teach them about colour, why not add drops of food dye to the foam. As they drive through the foam they can learn about how colours mix together to create new colours!

add dyewith food dye

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