Art art & poetry Change your life debate

Something New a Day, Day 4: Create a Fake Social Network

I was unable to post yesterday as I spent all day creating the fake social network and then felt so unwell I went to bed.  Anyhow you will probably wonder why anyone would want to create a fake social network if it wasn’t for bad reasons.   Well  I have been working on an art […]

art & poetry Change your life debate

Change your Life Day 3: Poetry Submission to Ninth Letter

So today’s new thing is  I submitted a collection of six of my poems to University of Illinos’ literary journal the Ninth Letter.  Although I am well aware that nothing will probably come of any of this I think the main thing is that I am trying to make a positive change in my life […]

Art art & poetry

“Snapshot” Selected for Shape Open 2013

So on Friday I got the rather lovely news that my piece “Snapshot” had been chosen as one of the selected pieces for this year’s Shape Open first to be exhibited at The Nunnery: Bow Arts 3rd Oct — 27th Oct and then toured at various galleries around the country afterwards. This news fills me […]

debate Life and Loves

Feminism is a feminist issue

I have been quite quiet for a while on lovemakecreate, this is down to a number of factors (mostly family related) but now I am back with what at first may appear a quite controversial post.  It doesn’t mean to be but I worry some may take it that way. Feminism and the way women […]

debate Life and Loves The Autism Chronicles

The Voice Final and why people depress me

It is not usual for me to feel compelled to write about a TV program.  But things happened on Twitter this eve that have made me want to say something. As a disabled woman I find the comments that I have seen on twitter this evening depressing and disgusting.  Even tweeted his dismay that […]