This weekend we visited Jurassic Encounter 2022 at Royal Victoria Country Park in Netley near Southampton. This is a giant travelling exhibition of some 50 dinosaurs (and a couple of non dinosaurs), touring various parts of the UK and EU countries. We visited with three of our children (the 11-year-old, the toddler, and the baby). […]
Tag: disability
Doing it All Again…
So, you’ve probably realised, I’m a bit shit at blogging. I think it’s because there’s something a little bit narcissistic about it in my head… why should I think that anybody cares at all about anything I’ve got to say? And so I put off writing anything. Well for the third time in my life […]
This post was first published on the SHAPE ARTS website, but I thought I would feature it here too as I believe It is important. I was going to post here about the private view at Quay Arts for an exhibition I am involved in called SELF that took place last night. However I am instead […]
So on Friday I got the rather lovely news that my piece “Snapshot” had been chosen as one of the selected pieces for this year’s Shape Open first to be exhibited at The Nunnery: Bow Arts 3rd Oct — 27th Oct and then toured at various galleries around the country afterwards. This news fills me […]
In this post-Capitalist society where you are judged it seems on purely monetary and aesthetic terms what are you worth when society deems you to be invisible? Since becoming wheelchair bound this is a question that I ponder a lot. The way disability is portrayed by the popular press in recent years is one that […]
It is not usual for me to feel compelled to write about a TV program. But things happened on Twitter this eve that have made me want to say something. As a disabled woman I find the comments that I have seen on twitter this evening depressing and disgusting. Even tweeted his dismay that […]
Arts Able Survey
As I’m sure you are aware I have been working very hard lately on trying to start a charity to help children who have developmental disabilities access the arts in a more useful and interactive way. If you are interested in finding out more then please have a look at the website As part […]
Why Colin Brewer is Wrong
I do not usually take part in blog link ups. It’s not that I have anything against them, I don’t. It’s just I’m not a very “bloggy” person. Now this seems ridiculous as I ran a blog alongside Little Doers before costs (the cost to me) made me take the painful decision to close and […]