Adult Makes Art art & poetry debate Life and Loves

Story of Mum

So today has been pretty cool.  First I got an email from this great Arts Centre I approached about the new charity and exhibition space and I got a pretty great response:

they could not be trustees owing to the local council upping their rent by 110% and needing to pour all their resources, time etc into that (bummer).  However, they would be willing to facilitate workshops and give up some space for events!  AWESOME

Secondly they wanted to send me info about exhibiting with them and they wanted to let me know how much they loved my subvert pieces.  Again, AWESOME

Fast forward to this evening and I re-joined Story of Mum, now if you don’t know who they are they’re a rather fab bunch of mums who believe there is more to life than just being a mum and they encourage mothers around the UK and the world to be inspired by the everyday and seemingly mundane and to unleash their creativity, screaming at the world “There’s so much more to ME”!

I used to be a member back in the days of Little Doers but I spent so much time on Little Doers that I had no time to use my creativity in other ways and I landed up abandoning most of my artistic work in the process.  But Hey, life dealt me a cruel hand and a valuable lesson with Little Doers and so I’m now back in the deep end.  Starting my charity and getting my art and photographic work back out there again.

So if you didn’t know what they were up to at the moment, Story of Mum have become like Nomads and have a travelling exhibition around the country with the help of Museum of Motherhood and they are also holding little virtual exhibition spots and this is the point I am coming to….

After I uploaded my “I’m a Mum and…” picture to their site this eve Pippa (one of the founders) sent me a lovely tweet telling me how much she loved it and asked if I would like to host a virtual tour spot for them this summer…. what could I say but “Thanks” and of course so now I am doing that and I can assure you it will be AWESOME (if you can’t tell this has been my word of the day)

So if there’s more to you than being a mum (of course there is) or a mum and dad in one then why not head over there and get stuck in!  You can even contribute a film of motherhood, you can find mine here

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