Art art & poetry debate Life and Loves

Shape Open 2013: Preview Night

So for those of you who have never ventured onto my ghost blog before (I call it this as it exists but not many people ever see it and you wouldn’t really know it’s there), you will be unaware that one of my pieces (in my With Me, Without Me series) was selected for this […]

debate Food and Diet

Juice Fasting……..hmmmmm

I watched a documentary on channel 5 a few days ago.  An Australian chap with an  autoimmune disorder and carrying an extra 100lbs embarked upon a new eating and fitness regime (when he was well enough to exercise) to get well and lose the weight . The regimen was sixty days of nothing but juice […]

debate Food and Diet

In The Eye of the Beholder

I was asked by the lovely @hollybobbs on twitter if I wanted to link up to a post she had written in response to our #SoMum chat on twitter hosted by The Story of Mum about how we see our Mum Body.  As always the discussion elicited some passionate responses with mothers daring to love […]


“Mental Health Checks for Seven Year Olds” A Dangerous Path

I write this while watching Channel 5’s Wright Stuff, the current news item is a proposal to “test” seven year olds for later mental health problems.  This is a horrific idea in my mind and one that I would actually protest happening.  I have reasons for this.  Not only am I the parent of a […]

debate Life and Loves The Autism Chronicles

Disability and worth

In this post-Capitalist society where you are judged it seems on purely monetary and aesthetic terms what are you worth when society deems you to be invisible? Since becoming wheelchair bound this is a question that I ponder a lot.  The way disability is portrayed by the popular press in recent years is one that […]

debate Life and Loves

Feminism is a feminist issue

I have been quite quiet for a while on lovemakecreate, this is down to a number of factors (mostly family related) but now I am back with what at first may appear a quite controversial post.  It doesn’t mean to be but I worry some may take it that way. Feminism and the way women […]

debate Life and Loves The Autism Chronicles

The Voice Final and why people depress me

It is not usual for me to feel compelled to write about a TV program.  But things happened on Twitter this eve that have made me want to say something. As a disabled woman I find the comments that I have seen on twitter this evening depressing and disgusting.  Even tweeted his dismay that […]

debate Life and Loves

How as a parent should you treat the news?

Unless you’ve been living somewhere with zero access to (any form of) media, you cannot help but be affected by the horrific images from Woolwich this week.  On Wednesday afternoon, Drummer, Lee Rigby, a member of our armed forces, was literally hacked to death on a “normal” London street.  This man’s crime?  Nothing more than being […]

Adult Makes Art art & poetry debate Life and Loves

Story of Mum

So today has been pretty cool.  First I got an email from this great Arts Centre I approached about the new charity and exhibition space and I got a pretty great response: they could not be trustees owing to the local council upping their rent by 110% and needing to pour all their resources, time […]