Art art & poetry Life and Loves

Story of Mum: mums making an exhibition of ourselves! VIRTUAL TOUR

As mothers, it’s not often that we feel seen, heard and valued. Yet our everyday stories matter, and sharing them can inspire others. Story of Mum: Mums making an exhibition of ourselves is a touring programme of exhibitions and events in galleries and online that aims to put mothers in the spotlight. The exhibition celebrates motherhood, explores […]

Art art & poetry poetry

HAIKU: The Artist’s Lament

My mind paints pictures That my words cannot describe My Tongue tied in thought

Art art & poetry poetry


In the middle of the night when everything’s quiet and nobody is there to tell Is when my mind drifts away to a land of forgotten summers and half lit pictures Faded by the sun and its countless rises and fallings.   The clock ticks on the wall Tick. Tock .Tick. Tock, Tick The dog […]

Art art & poetry Life and Loves

The Personal/Artist’s Statement Nightmare

I have had enough today.  My head is swirling, my stomach is sore and my children are driving me to nervous breakdown land (it’s real, I haven’t made it up, they have rides and everything). Anyhow despite my ill health and impending nervous exhaustion, I have had quite a busy day.  I (husband really) have […]

Adult Makes Art art & poetry debate Life and Loves

Story of Mum

So today has been pretty cool.  First I got an email from this great Arts Centre I approached about the new charity and exhibition space and I got a pretty great response: they could not be trustees owing to the local council upping their rent by 110% and needing to pour all their resources, time […]

Art art & poetry

I’m in a magazine

So if you’re interested in photography and Hampshire you might have caught some of my work in the glossy “Hampshire Life” this month. It is nice to see your work on the magazine stands.  Anyhow for those of you who missed it, here are the images that were featured:

Life and Loves

Why I love photography

I was uploading another image to my etsy shop today ArtPhotoDesignbyB and it got me to thinking.  My camera is probably my oldest friend, I don’t mean the same camera, No I definitely upgraded from the boots diskette camera my parents bought me in the late 80s for my eighth birthday, but it has been my […]