Days Out family

Dinosaurs Among Us

This weekend we visited Jurassic Encounter 2022 at Royal Victoria Country Park in Netley near Southampton. This is a giant travelling exhibition of some 50 dinosaurs (and a couple of non dinosaurs), touring various parts of the UK and EU countries. We visited with three of our children (the 11-year-old, the toddler, and the baby). […]

Change your life debate

Day 9: Bed Rest, Getting IT and wardrobe dismissal

Ok so this week has been a bit crap in some ways, the fridge-freezer broke down (for good this time); I have been feeling awful and in pain and it has interfered in my plans. Now you can either get down about these things or start to look at solutions.  I have made a conscious […]

Art art & poetry Change your life debate

Something New a Day: Day 6 — I applied to join a very choosy network

Well today on my journey of re-wiring my brain and feeling the fear but doing it anyway I attempted to join a rather selective Arts Network.  I always find these things awkward and I don’t really like the idea of them; after all art is subjective so someone judging me and something that is very […]

art & poetry Change your life debate

Change your Life Day 3: Poetry Submission to Ninth Letter

So today’s new thing is  I submitted a collection of six of my poems to University of Illinos’ literary journal the Ninth Letter.  Although I am well aware that nothing will probably come of any of this I think the main thing is that I am trying to make a positive change in my life […]

art & poetry


Weary, Confused and Longing For a chance to sleep and to dream Feeling the memories of another day Slip between my fingers As my brain recycles through the wasteland Of the pointless things we believe Feeling my energy zapping As I fall through the cracks on the floor  

Art art & poetry Uncategorized

Aspex Gallery Freedom’s Road

So some days you have a nice surprise.  Some days you have a crap one.  Last week I had quite a nice surprise. Aspex Gallery in Portsmouth have been running an open arts project called “Freedom’s Road”.  For this they asked artists living within an hour of the gallery to send in small postcard size […]

Art art & poetry Life and Loves

Story of Mum: mums making an exhibition of ourselves! VIRTUAL TOUR

As mothers, it’s not often that we feel seen, heard and valued. Yet our everyday stories matter, and sharing them can inspire others. Story of Mum: Mums making an exhibition of ourselves is a touring programme of exhibitions and events in galleries and online that aims to put mothers in the spotlight. The exhibition celebrates motherhood, explores […]

Life and Loves


When we are young we have dreams, we have hopes and ambitions.  A lot of the time those aspirations become diluted and quite often fade altogether.  Things happen, we become worn down by life; or we meet someone, fall in love and put our dreams on the back burner as we think there’s still so […]

Life and Loves

Why I love photography

I was uploading another image to my etsy shop today ArtPhotoDesignbyB and it got me to thinking.  My camera is probably my oldest friend, I don’t mean the same camera, No I definitely upgraded from the boots diskette camera my parents bought me in the late 80s for my eighth birthday, but it has been my […]