No don’t worry that’s not some kind of sensationalist headline. No it is my son’s latest worry. When I say worry that’s putting it rather mildly. He has managed to convince himself that some stones are about to crash into planet earth and we are going to then crash into the moon. I don’t […]
Author: B
It is not usual for me to feel compelled to write about a TV program. But things happened on Twitter this eve that have made me want to say something. As a disabled woman I find the comments that I have seen on twitter this evening depressing and disgusting. Even tweeted his dismay that […]
Questions roaming from A to B I have no answers Only the loneliness of a questioning soul I see frameless heads on nameless walls I watch the world existing without me in it I am around people and drowning in a cacophony of sound Then I am alone again and the world is empty
I am currently in the midst of two projects and thought I would share some info about one of them. More Than a Feeling [working title] is a look at how people identify themselves and how we experience emotion. I am interested in examining emotions in different ways: text, shape and colour. We are often told […]
Aspex Gallery Freedom’s Road
So some days you have a nice surprise. Some days you have a crap one. Last week I had quite a nice surprise. Aspex Gallery in Portsmouth have been running an open arts project called “Freedom’s Road”. For this they asked artists living within an hour of the gallery to send in small postcard size […]
Arts Able Survey
As I’m sure you are aware I have been working very hard lately on trying to start a charity to help children who have developmental disabilities access the arts in a more useful and interactive way. If you are interested in finding out more then please have a look at the website As part […]
As mothers, it’s not often that we feel seen, heard and valued. Yet our everyday stories matter, and sharing them can inspire others. Story of Mum: Mums making an exhibition of ourselves is a touring programme of exhibitions and events in galleries and online that aims to put mothers in the spotlight. The exhibition celebrates motherhood, explores […]
HAIKU: The Artist’s Lament
My mind paints pictures That my words cannot describe My Tongue tied in thought
Kissing Crazy
Life with a child on the spectrum is never dull. My son is now obsessed by kissing. When I say obsessed I mean it and it is doing my head in!It all started a couple of weeks ago. He is obsessed with Cinderella and Princesses, no don’t laugh, he is. The big draw for […]
In the middle of the night when everything’s quiet and nobody is there to tell Is when my mind drifts away to a land of forgotten summers and half lit pictures Faded by the sun and its countless rises and fallings. The clock ticks on the wall Tick. Tock .Tick. Tock, Tick The dog […]