Art art & poetry Change your life debate

Something New a Day: Day 6 — I applied to join a very choosy network

Well today on my journey of re-wiring my brain and feeling the fear but doing it anyway I attempted to join a rather selective Arts Network.  I always find these things awkward and I don’t really like the idea of them; after all art is subjective so someone judging me and something that is very […]

Art art & poetry Uncategorized

Aspex Gallery Freedom’s Road

So some days you have a nice surprise.  Some days you have a crap one.  Last week I had quite a nice surprise. Aspex Gallery in Portsmouth have been running an open arts project called “Freedom’s Road”.  For this they asked artists living within an hour of the gallery to send in small postcard size […]

Art art & poetry Life and Loves

Story of Mum: mums making an exhibition of ourselves! VIRTUAL TOUR

As mothers, it’s not often that we feel seen, heard and valued. Yet our everyday stories matter, and sharing them can inspire others. Story of Mum: Mums making an exhibition of ourselves is a touring programme of exhibitions and events in galleries and online that aims to put mothers in the spotlight. The exhibition celebrates motherhood, explores […]

Adult Makes Art art & poetry debate Life and Loves

Story of Mum

So today has been pretty cool.  First I got an email from this great Arts Centre I approached about the new charity and exhibition space and I got a pretty great response: they could not be trustees owing to the local council upping their rent by 110% and needing to pour all their resources, time […]

Autism Life and Loves

My Little Monkey: an ode to an autistic child

A short poem about autism and my son My Little Monkey   My little monkey is a cracking little fellow He runs round like a lunatic and is never, ever mellow He likes to twirl in circles and crashes into things He doesn’t understand the world, or the joy he brings   My little monkey, […]