debate Life and Loves

How as a parent should you treat the news?

Unless you’ve been living somewhere with zero access to (any form of) media, you cannot help but be affected by the horrific images from Woolwich this week.  On Wednesday afternoon, Drummer, Lee Rigby, a member of our armed forces, was literally hacked to death on a “normal” London street.  This man’s crime?  Nothing more than being […]

Adult Makes Art art & poetry debate Life and Loves

Story of Mum

So today has been pretty cool.  First I got an email from this great Arts Centre I approached about the new charity and exhibition space and I got a pretty great response: they could not be trustees owing to the local council upping their rent by 110% and needing to pour all their resources, time […]

Autism Kids Craft and Fun Life and Loves The Autism Chronicles

Charity Begins at Home

“What an odd blog title” I may hear you say.  Well not really when you understand the context.  No, I’m not really some misanthropic person who wants to end all do-gooding.  On the contrary I am setting up a charity due to my son’s disability.   It occurred to me after going to a Gateway […]

Autism Life and Loves The Autism Chronicles

Get Involved with your Community

So I have been a bit quiet again of late.  This is because as well as feeling very poorly, I have also been mega-busy.  I finally have a new portfolio (not finished yet) up and running. You can find it here: I’ve joined a local co-operative and this morning I created an online membership […]

Life and Loves


When we are young we have dreams, we have hopes and ambitions.  A lot of the time those aspirations become diluted and quite often fade altogether.  Things happen, we become worn down by life; or we meet someone, fall in love and put our dreams on the back burner as we think there’s still so […]

Autism Life and Loves

My Little Monkey: an ode to an autistic child

A short poem about autism and my son My Little Monkey   My little monkey is a cracking little fellow He runs round like a lunatic and is never, ever mellow He likes to twirl in circles and crashes into things He doesn’t understand the world, or the joy he brings   My little monkey, […]

Life and Loves

Why I love photography

I was uploading another image to my etsy shop today ArtPhotoDesignbyB and it got me to thinking.  My camera is probably my oldest friend, I don’t mean the same camera, No I definitely upgraded from the boots diskette camera my parents bought me in the late 80s for my eighth birthday, but it has been my […]