Art art & poetry Life and Loves

The Personal/Artist’s Statement Nightmare

I have had enough today.  My head is swirling, my stomach is sore and my children are driving me to nervous breakdown land (it’s real, I haven’t made it up, they have rides and everything). Anyhow despite my ill health and impending nervous exhaustion, I have had quite a busy day.  I (husband really) have […]

Food and Diet Life and Loves Trying to Live a Sustainable Life

Grow your Own

I love my garden.  Really I do.  It provides me with a sense of calm, of achievement and joy, and hopefully in a couple of months, it will be providing my family and I with lots of delicious, nutrient rich fruit and veg. How can you garden if you’re disabled?  I hear you ask Not […]

debate Life and Loves

How as a parent should you treat the news?

Unless you’ve been living somewhere with zero access to (any form of) media, you cannot help but be affected by the horrific images from Woolwich this week.  On Wednesday afternoon, Drummer, Lee Rigby, a member of our armed forces, was literally hacked to death on a “normal” London street.  This man’s crime?  Nothing more than being […]

Adult Makes Art art & poetry debate Life and Loves

Story of Mum

So today has been pretty cool.  First I got an email from this great Arts Centre I approached about the new charity and exhibition space and I got a pretty great response: they could not be trustees owing to the local council upping their rent by 110% and needing to pour all their resources, time […]

Autism Kids Craft and Fun Life and Loves The Autism Chronicles

Charity Begins at Home

“What an odd blog title” I may hear you say.  Well not really when you understand the context.  No, I’m not really some misanthropic person who wants to end all do-gooding.  On the contrary I am setting up a charity due to my son’s disability.   It occurred to me after going to a Gateway […]

Autism Life and Loves The Autism Chronicles

Get Involved with your Community

So I have been a bit quiet again of late.  This is because as well as feeling very poorly, I have also been mega-busy.  I finally have a new portfolio (not finished yet) up and running. You can find it here: I’ve joined a local co-operative and this morning I created an online membership […]

Autism The Autism Chronicles

What’s in a word? Part 1

I am interested in words, for a while a lot of my photographic work utilised text.  I find its form, shape and meaning all very interesting.  It is because of this interest that I decided to go on a hunt, a hunt for “AUT”. Autsim is a word we have come to know well but […]

Kids Craft and Fun

It is Spring…. why not make a simple spring mobile with your kids?

So as the title suggests it is spring. No, really it is; it’s just pretending to be winter. So in honour of all things new and reborn, I give you…… da da da da.  My spring mobile for your pre-schoolers to make! To make this craft you will need: Tissue Paper Foam Letters spelling out […]

Autism The Autism Chronicles

Why Colin Brewer is Wrong

I do not usually take part in blog link ups.  It’s not that I have anything against them, I don’t.  It’s just I’m not a very  “bloggy” person.  Now this seems ridiculous as I ran a blog alongside Little Doers before costs (the cost to me) made me take the painful decision to close and […]

Autism The Autism Chronicles


I have been looking up various things to help with my autistic son’s behaviour of late and came upon the idea of traffic lights systems.  The problem is that for what these things are, essentially a laminated piece of card with a traffic light image and some words on, the price is ridiculously high (maybe […]