Food and Diet Kids Craft and Fun Messy Play Trying to Live a Sustainable Life

Making Butter with kids……. mmmmm homemade butter

So “yes” it is possible and even quite fun to make delicious butter at home with your kids.  It’s a brilliant way to start teaching your young children about science too. Now excuse the quality of the photographs, I hate the i-phone picture quality and I had very greasy hands and did not want to […]

debate Food and Diet

Juice Fasting……..hmmmmm

I watched a documentary on channel 5 a few days ago.  An Australian chap with an  autoimmune disorder and carrying an extra 100lbs embarked upon a new eating and fitness regime (when he was well enough to exercise) to get well and lose the weight . The regimen was sixty days of nothing but juice […]

debate Food and Diet

In The Eye of the Beholder

I was asked by the lovely @hollybobbs on twitter if I wanted to link up to a post she had written in response to our #SoMum chat on twitter hosted by The Story of Mum about how we see our Mum Body.  As always the discussion elicited some passionate responses with mothers daring to love […]

Food and Diet Life and Loves Trying to Live a Sustainable Life

Grow your Own

I love my garden.  Really I do.  It provides me with a sense of calm, of achievement and joy, and hopefully in a couple of months, it will be providing my family and I with lots of delicious, nutrient rich fruit and veg. How can you garden if you’re disabled?  I hear you ask Not […]

Food and Diet Trying to Live a Sustainable Life

Step in Vegan

Ok so I never thought I would become a vegan, I tried being a vegetarian once but that did not go very well.  I was 13 and my parents had let me see a rather inappropriate film called “Parents”. Now I do not know if you have any experience of this film but it is […]

Food and Diet

Make Perfect Yorkshire Puddings Everytime

Now I don’t know if you’re aware what the French call us Brits, Le Rosbif.  I think it’s meant as a derrogatory term but actually I love my roast beef, thank you very much and what plate of roast beef would be complete without the brilliance that is yorkshire pudding. Now I don’t know about […]

Food and Diet Trying to Live a Sustainable Life

Make Your Own Yoghurt

Before I start, I apologise about the quality of the images I was using my kindle camera which is a bit pants so they’re not great.   There is nothing tastier than your own homemade yoghurt.  Seriously, it is delicious and do you know what’s even better, it’s (a) really easy, like ridiculously so and […]

Food and Diet

Tummy Toners do they work

So like any woman who needs to lose a few pounds I am on a diet (see earlier post) and as I am a wheelchair with severe muscle weakness and movement problems the ol’ exercising thing is a bit of a bugger.  I mean I try adapting exercises to a sitting position but it’s not really the […]

Food and Diet


Those four letters are enough to strike fear into even the strongest of hearts.  If you think about it, it’s not the nicest of words, there’s no escaping the word “die” in it.  And if you misspell “die”, it tells a loveable extra-terrestrial to go top himself (Di ET).  Horrid word. Anyhow, despite my disliking […]