Art art & poetry Autism

Autism and thinking visually

Please note this post was originally posted on the littledoers blog back in September 2012   As some people who follow me on twitter may know my son recently had his diagnosis of autism confirmed. It has been a strange road since our initial fears over his lack of speech back when he was 18 […]

Autism Life and Loves

My Little Monkey: an ode to an autistic child

A short poem about autism and my son My Little Monkey   My little monkey is a cracking little fellow He runs round like a lunatic and is never, ever mellow He likes to twirl in circles and crashes into things He doesn’t understand the world, or the joy he brings   My little monkey, […]

Food and Diet

Make Perfect Yorkshire Puddings Everytime

Now I don’t know if you’re aware what the French call us Brits, Le Rosbif.  I think it’s meant as a derrogatory term but actually I love my roast beef, thank you very much and what plate of roast beef would be complete without the brilliance that is yorkshire pudding. Now I don’t know about […]

Kids Craft and Fun

ln-House Den Building

It’s cold outside, the ground is full of snow; I can’t leave the house in account of my brand new electric wheelchair dying (yes I am very angry and bitter).  Therefore I decided to ressurect an old blog post that I orginaly put on Little last year. Today we decided to help our kids […]

Food and Diet Trying to Live a Sustainable Life

Make Your Own Yoghurt

Before I start, I apologise about the quality of the images I was using my kindle camera which is a bit pants so they’re not great.   There is nothing tastier than your own homemade yoghurt.  Seriously, it is delicious and do you know what’s even better, it’s (a) really easy, like ridiculously so and […]

Life and Loves

Why I love photography

I was uploading another image to my etsy shop today ArtPhotoDesignbyB and it got me to thinking.  My camera is probably my oldest friend, I don’t mean the same camera, No I definitely upgraded from the boots diskette camera my parents bought me in the late 80s for my eighth birthday, but it has been my […]

Kids Craft and Fun

Recycled Crayons

What do you get if you cross a baking mould, broken crayons, a duck and an oven?   Don’t know……….   Recycled funky new crayons (I lied about the duck)   Here’s how.   Find all your old, broken crayons and remove all the paper from them If they’re too big, break them into smaller […]


Autism (Relaxed) Panto Performances….. what do you think?

So today we went to see a relaxed performance of Jack and the Beanstalk at Southampton’s the Mayflower theatre.  It was our second panto of the season but our first officially aimed at those with autism and sesory or learning difficulties. It was a bit of an odd experience, at first I could not hear […]


Autism oh autism……..

So today we had a meeting at meltdown moo’s  SEN playschool, a thing which to be honest I always dread.  It’s not the dealing with staff, I know I’m an intelligent woman and I can hold my own in any conversation, especially where my son is concerned.  No, the problem for me is that our son […]

Food and Diet

Tummy Toners do they work

So like any woman who needs to lose a few pounds I am on a diet (see earlier post) and as I am a wheelchair with severe muscle weakness and movement problems the ol’ exercising thing is a bit of a bugger.  I mean I try adapting exercises to a sitting position but it’s not really the […]